October 2014 Biblical Studies Carnival

Welcome to the October 2014 Biblical Studies Carnival. Take your time and read through these awesome articles for the month.

Just so you know: Jim West will be hosting the Novemeber carnival.

We are also in dire need of volunteers for the biblical studies carnival. They are a great way to get your blog out there and being able to help others read the best posts of the month. Contact to volunteer.

Old Testament

James Bradford has been doing an “Weekly Quiet Time” by going through different books of the Bible. In October he was going through II Chronicles. (Link)

Claude Mariottini has a thoughtful post on the covenant’s of David.

“Translation is sacrifice in its worst sense, giving up the origin, giving up its history, giving up its sound, meter, feel, nuance, idiom, and so on. Why do we do it! (Oh, that question hurts). We do it because we need a can-opener. We simply don’t get the original even if we learn the original language. We are separated from our ancient kin even though we are joined at the hip.” - Over at the Dust blog some helpful thoughts on translation (Link)

How does the flood prefigure coma? Joseph Gleason answers in this post.

New Testament

Nijay Gupta is putting together an excellent bibliography for women scholars in the Gospels and Acts. Be sure to check it out.

Tavis Bolinger challenges all NT students to stop reading the Bible in English. (Link)

Simon Joseph writes on the debunking the Jesus Myth (Link)

Phil Long offers four points in interpreting the parables of Jesus. (Link) He also has several other posts on the parables this month.

The perennial question of if Jesus got Abiathar right or wrong in Mark is addressed by Andrew Perriman.

As always Wayne Coppins has his weekly German translations with his latest entitled Matthias Konradt and the Publication of Israel, Church, and the Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew (BMSEC 2)

Peter Head provides a helpful list of recent surveys on Mark.

Theology and Hermeneutics

Mike Skinner poses the question, “What is your canon within a canon?” and reflects on Cyril of Alexandria’s. (Link)

Michael Forth has a Word About Halloween by observing two different narratives of Halloween among Evangelicals and offers some helpful thoughts.

Tim Bulkeley posted some articles on thought topic of God as Mother (Link)

How should we rightly read the Bible? Ron Frost answers.

Jonathan Pennington catalogs some of his thoughts reflecting on the book The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture by Jean Leclercq.

Marg Mowczko gives her thoughts on Christian Egalitarianism.

Steve Runge has several rcent excellent posts on discourse grammar: On Eclecticism in Linguistics, Continuing Education in Discourse Studies, and Getting Above the Sentence Level. Thanks Jacob Cerone for posting these links together.

Book Reviews

Shawn Wilhite creates an excellent summary over submission dates for many different confereces. Check it out here.

Kevin Brown over at Diglotting reviews The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena by Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Iesus Deus: The Early Christian Depiction of Jesus as a Mediterranean God by M. David Litwa, Jesus, Gospel Tradition and Paul in the Context of Jewish and Greco-Roman Antiquity: Collected Essays III by David E. Aune, The Gospel of John and Christian Origins by John Ashton, and The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition by Simon J. Joseph.

Mike Skinner (link) reviews Oliver Crisps new book Deviant Calvinism.

Jacob Cerone offers some thoughts on the late Rod Decker’s new grammar.

George Athas introduces the new BHS Readers edition (Link).

Bryan Bibb has some thoughts on the Voice Bible.

Phil Long review The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel by Darrel Bock and Michael Glaser and the new An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek: Analysis of Prepositions, Adverbs, Particles, Relative Pronouns, and Conjunctions

Brian Davidson gives his thoughts on Steve Runge’s new commentary on Romans.

Peter Brown gives high praise to Karlfried Froehlich’s new book Sensing the Scriptures


Chris Skinner has some sober warnings on the life of a scholar. Updated

David Lincicum gives some of the benefits of studying New Testament at Oxford. (Link)

Over at the Old School Script blog Kris has several helpful posts on discourse grammar. You should really check them out!


Cliff Kvidahl interviews Wayne Coppins: Part 1 Part 2

Nate Martin interviews Mark Seifrid about his new 2 Corinthians commentary in the Pillar series.

I interviewed Steve Runge about his new discourse grammar commentary on Romans.

Logos 6

Here are several posts dealing with the new and excellent Logos 6.

Joel Watts has several posts on the new update. (Link)

Rick Brannan introduces the Ancient Literature Guide section in this new version.

Blogging Theologically reviews the new version. (Link)

Jeffrey Walker over at Reformation21 offers his thoughts on Logos 6.

Abram K-J gives a first look at the new Logos 6.

Over at the Overview Bible Project Jeremy Kranz gives his thoughts on the new software.

The podcast Calvin’s Corner views Logos 6 in this episode.

∞ Biblical Studies Carnival - June 2014 at the Reading Acts Blog

Despite the slow months for bibliobloggers Paul over at Reading Acts has put together a nice list of posts from June.

I especially enjoyed Chris Keith's article "Oral Fixation on New Testament Studies" and Michael Barber's post titled "Is Peter Cephas?".

∞ Link

Create a Form to Collect Submissions for the Carnival

I received several comments regarding my form to collect links for the January 2014 carnival. I thought I'd create a quick "how-to" video for future hosts.

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The Countdown is On…Get Your Links In!

Submissions for the January 2014 carnival has come to a close. Check out the carnival results!

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Get Your Links In!

Happy New Year! 

Before getting your links in check out the final carnival of 2013 by Jessica Parks over at the Cataclysmic blog.

I am hosting the January 2014 Biblical Studies Carnival. I thought to try to keep the links in one central location a Google Docs form would be easiest. Submit your entries below (or go to the permanent URL here.)

If you don't want to use the form just leave a comment or email me at [email protected]